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import mathy_core.parser
Mathy parses token arrays into inspectable, transformable, visualizable symbolic trees.


A Token array verifies that text maps to some known symbols, not that they are a correct ordering that produces a valid mathematical expression. The mathy Parser class converts tokens into a tree while also validating that the tree follows the expected Order of Operations.


To help better understand what the parser does, consider a few examples of expressions and their visualized trees:

Text Tree
4x 4 x *
4x / 2y^7 4 x * 2 y 7 ^ * /
4x + (1/3)y + 7x 4 x * 1 3 / y * + 7 x * +
4x + 1/3y + 7x 4 x * 1 3 y * / + 7 x * +
(28 + 1j)(17j + 2y) 28 1 j * + 17 j * 2 y * + *



ExpressionParser(self) -> None
Parser for converting text into binary trees. Trees encode the order of operations for an input, and allow evaluating it to detemrine the expression value.

Grammar Rules


( )    == Non-terminal
{ }*   == 0 or more occurrences
{ }+   == 1 or more occurrences
{ }?   == 0 or 1 occurrences
[ ]    == Mandatory (1 must occur)
|      == logical OR
" "    == Terminal symbol (literal)

Non-terminals defined/parsed by Tokenizer:

(Constant) = anything that can be parsed by `float(in)`
(Variable) = any string containing only letters (a-z and A-Z)


(Function)     = [ functionName ] "(" (AddExp) ")"
(Factor)       = { (Variable) | (Function) | "(" (AddExp) ")" }+ { { "^" }? (UnaryExp) }?
(FactorPrefix) = [ (Constant) { (Factor) }? | (Factor) ]
(UnaryExp)     = { "-" }? (FactorPrefix)
(ExpExp)       = (UnaryExp) { { "^" }? (UnaryExp) }?
(MultExp)      = (ExpExp) { { "*" | "/" }? (ExpExp) }*
(AddExp)       = (MultExp) { { "+" | "-" }? (MultExp) }*
(EqualExp)     = (AddExp) { { "=" }? (AddExp) }*
(start)        = (EqualExp)


    tokens: mathy_core.parser.TokenSet, 
    do_assert: bool = False, 
) -> bool
Check if the self.current_token is a member of a set Token types

Args: - tokens The set of Token types to check against

Returns True if the current_token's type is in the set else False

eat, type: int) -> bool
Assign the next token in the queue to current_token if its type matches that of the specified parameter. If the type does not match, raise a syntax exception.

Args: - type The type that your syntax expects @current_token to be

next -> bool
Assign the next token in the queue to self.current_token.

Return True if there are still more tokens in the queue, or False if there are no more tokens to look at.


    input_text: str, 
) -> mathy_core.expressions.MathExpression
Parse a string representation of an expression into a tree that can be later evaluated.

Returns : The evaluatable expression tree.


TokenSet(self, source: int)
TokenSet objects are bitmask combinations for checking to see if a token is part of a valid set.


TokenSet.add(self, addTokens: int) -> 'TokenSet'
Add tokens to self set and return a TokenSet representing their combination of flags. Value can be an integer or an instance of TokenSet


TokenSet.contains(self, type: int) -> bool
Returns true if the given type is part of this set